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Music Library List
your choice music library licensing Annual License Libraries:
  • FAQs about an "annual license"
  • LIST of music libraries available with an annual license
  • Q:   What is an "Annual Blanket" License?
    A:  Also referred to as a "Lease," an annual blanket license equips you with a music library (anywhere from 7 to 250 CDs or more) and grants you "blanket coverage," the right to an unlimited number of synchronizations of music themes for a specific license term (minimum 1 year or up to 5 years).

  • By contrast, a "Per Usage" license (aka: "neeedle-drop") grants usage rights for one music selection used in one production. A form must be completed and a fee paid each time you synchronize a music track.

  • In practical terms, an "annual blanket" license simply means you can use your library as much as you like and create as many productions as you like during the course of each annual term without additional cost or obligation.

  • Q: Can an "Annual Blanket License" be for a longer period that just one "annual" term?
    A:   Yes, and typically you receive a discount for a multi-year license (usually for a two to five year term).

    Q: What is the cost of an annual license?
    A:   The cost varies of course with library size, but on average an annual license library package generally costs between $300 - $2,500 per year. Special license requirements may cost more.

    For more information on rates, just go to any music library page, then click on "Rates & Options."

    If you would like a specific quote, please call or email:
    Contact us at: 1-800-247-5317

    Q:   What are the benefits of an Annual License?
  • A:  Benefit 1 - Convenience:   By having a complete library at your fingertips, you can not only get to the music you need more quickly, but you'll also have more creative flexibility in the development of your projects.

  • A:  Benefit 2 - More Music:   Generally the same budget invested in an annual license will give you approximately 2-3X the number of CDs that you would receive in a lifetime blanket license (aka: "buy out" or "royalty free").

  • A:  Benefit 3 - Updates:   With an annual license on any complete library or combination of libraries, you'll receive automatic updates of all new CD releases at no additional cost. This is one of the primary benefits of an Annual License: keeping your library fresh and updated.

  • A:  Benefit 4 - Swap Options:   Many annual license plans include annual CD swap options. Others let you exchange entire libraries. Overall, an annual license keeps your options open regarding CD and library choice to meet changing needs.

  • Q:   If I don't renew an Annual License, are productions I've created still covered?
  • A:  "In Perpetuity":    Any productions completed during your annual license term are covered "in perpetuity" (for the life of) that production even if you do not renew your music library license. This would apply only to finished productions "in the can" (the body of which is not changed or revised at a later date). However there are two exceptions to this rule:

  • A:   Exception 1 - Continued Theme Usage: In cases where a music selection is used as the main theme to an ongoing program (broadcast or non-broadcast) which is released in editions (daily, weekly, monthly, periodically) and thus becomes part of new productions aired or distributed, such continued usage would require either a renewed annual license or per-usage license.

  • A:   Exception 2 - Changes or Modifications: If the body of a previously created production is modified in order to create another version or edition (something other than a "tag" or "intro" change), music usage in such a revision would also need to be under license (annual or per-usage license).

  • Q: What type of usage is covered in an annual license?
    A:   Our "standard" license covers the needs of most producers and includes:

  • A non-exclusive, single-user synchronization license authorizing an unlimited number of annual music synchronizations for usage in audio/video/multimedia, broadcast or web usage limited as follows:
  • Usage in non-broadcast "free distribution" productions such as corporate training or product demonstration video or multi-media
  • Usage in Local market radio or TV broadcast or cablecast
  • Usage on the web as background or streaming productions (but not commercial downloads for sale)
  • NOT INCLUDED IN THE STANDARD LICENSE, BUT ALSO AVAILABLE: National or International broadcast rights, theatrical rights, direct performance rights, mechanical rights, or usage in products for resale distribution (such as home video or DVD). For information on any of these or special license requirements, please call or email:
    Contact us at: 1-800-247-5317

  • Customer comments regarding "Annual" licensing . . .
  • "Since we're just starting up we wanted the most flexibility. I like the idea of being able to change from year to year. "
  • "The annual plan has really worked well. I like getting the updates and having the entire library to work with as opposed to just a few discs."
  • "We use to do needle-drop ("per-usage") and discovered we were spending a lot more money yearly, plus we had forms to complete, etc.. The annual plan is a lot more convenient."
  • "Our needs are very specific. We were able to get a package with only the discs we need, choosing from different libraries. Plus we can change when new volumes or other libraries come out."
  • "I don't want to get locked into a library and be stuck with discs I can't use down the road. Our annual license gives us total flexibility."
  • "Actually we have some buy-out and some lease. I kind of like that mix, but definitely the annual library is the backbone of what we use."

  • Our libraries available with an "Annual Blanket" License:
    Click on any library to go to its full catalog and demo samples

    Format Totals
    4M Music Library Combo
    Long-form + :60s, :30s, :10s Over 12,000 tracks on 177 CDs
    The Metro Music Library
    Long-form + :60s, :30s, :10s Over 7,500 tracks on 108 CDs
    Manchester Music Library
    Long-form + :60s, :30s, :10s Over 3,000 tracks on 46 CDs
    AV/Video Series 200
    Long-form + :60s, :30s, :10s Over 1,900 tracks on 36 CDs
    Music Street
    :60s, :30s, :10s Over 1,000 tracks on 16 CDs
    MSE Special Edition
    :60s, :30s, :10s Over 400 tracks on 7 CDs

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    To order, or for more information
    USA:   800-247-5317
    INTL:  210-530-5200
    FAX:   210-530-5230


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